Sea of Falling Stars
Home Burning Tower Sea of Falling Stars Abertoril Greyhawk Alternity Rules


Welcome to the Sea of Fallen Stars Page.  Sea of Fallen Stars is set in TSR's Forgotten Realms  Campaign Setting.  Follow our intrepid band of adventurers on the search for the Mo-Pelar in the great Mulhorhandi Desert.



Benji Journeyfoot - Favored of Tymora. 

Benji is a halfling priest that hails from the Lady's house in Arabel where he was raised after being left there by his parents.  Benji is a very happy go lucky  young man that is constantly seeking to spread the word of Tymora  while at the same time trying to see the world.  Benji's oftentimes incredible luck is accredited for saving the day but Benji lays all credit at the altar of his goddess. Benji's great luck recently led him in to the company of the companions listed here.  Journeying via ship from Cormyr, Benji found his travels interrupted by a shipwreck that left him and his companions stranded far from home.  His travels have taken him to the Great Games where a dark prophecy was revealed and his new companion Theba was kidnapped.   Along with Brita, Ansha, and the newly freed Brolly and Kazin.  The party traveled the length and breadth of the Great Mulhorandi Desert in search of the five stars destined to free the land and bring lushness and beauty to this land.  Upon completion of this quest, Benji and his companions were rewarded by the pharaoh with lands, estates and slaves.  Being morally opposed Benji shocked the assembled nobles by freeing the slaves and giving the land over to them. 





Brolly - Paladin of Osiris

Brolly hails from a land far to the north known as "The Ride". A warrior of the steppe he was raised in the ways of the Eraka, fierce and cunning horseman that roam the wide range of the open plains. His way of life was soon in- terrupted, however, when he was captured and taken aboard a ship to be sold into slavery. He and an elven mage by the name of Kazin managed to escape from their captors and came upon a group of travelers like unto them- selves. During the course of his quest with his newly met entourage Brolly was blessed by the hand of Osiris and became a valiant paladin. Now in the service of the Eternal Judge he quests in the name of his liege who hath em- powered him by making him a vessel of his godly might. His travels, however, became ever greater since Osiris wel- comed him into his bosom. After assisting in bringing about the demise of a tyrant efreet bent on world destruction our humble hero undertook an even greater task. The brethren of his newfound faith being held captive by minions of Set, he set off at once to rid them of the oppressive hold of their conspirators. Upon arriving in Skuld, the eternal city, he was ushered in extolled as "the Chosen One". He donned the Armor of Osiris and obtained a most sacred item of his faith, a Holy Avenger. Sallying forth he fought a vicious battle with one of Set's chosen and as all looked grim once again Osiris imparted him with his omnipotent might. Enraged by his nemesis' attempt to smite his fol- lower the Lord of Carrion ennobled his chosen with his might as well. Another fierce battle ensued and Osiris/Brolly emerged victorious. In his appreciation for aiding in the reacquisition of the sacred throne of Mul- horand, Pharaoh Horustep III placed upon the ever-humble paladin, the title of General of Eastern Mulhorand. However, his journey not yet complete, our noble man set off once again ply his strength against that of the dark.

Sharbrita - Waverider of Istishia