In order to elevate confusion I have compiled the published rules and clarifications we have experienced during our weekly field


Home Burning Tower Sea of Falling Stars Abertoril Greyhawk Alternity Rules

In order to alleviate confusion I have compiled the published rules and clarifications we have experienced during our weekly field-testing. This is meant to help and clarify so the game in progress experiences minimum lulls and delays.

At this point forget all previous rules and clarifications


The phrase "well we use to" or "well now you changed the rule"…or "it didn’t use to be like this"…SHALL NEVER BE UTTERED!

I will be cumulating the:









Elven HB

Combat & Tactics

Spells and Magic

TSR Rules Quick Resource


Dexterity—Adjustment is only for surprise not initiative. 

Intelligence—number of languages is converted to NWP 1 to 1. We are using the optional rule of maximum spells known.

C l a s s e s

Paladins — Won’t be warned of their chaotic actions or behavior nor evil  actions or behavior they take. See code and alignment sheet. Any non-good act is still as damning as an evil act. 

Ranger — Won’t be warned of their evil actions or behavior they take. See code and alignment sheet. Any non-good act is still as damning as a evil act.

Rogues — Whether dual or multi class when attacking from behind (i.e. back attack) get +4 to hit on the FIRST HIT and make such a roll at the Rogue THAC0 not any other of the classes the character might have.

Multi Class — Only the ones listed! Gaining proficiencies is, as stated, the average of class for initial proficiencies. And gain one proficiency at every level that respective classes gain one.

Dual Class — Gains initial proficiencies when created and after 2nd level if prerequisites are made you may start new class and gain new set of initial proficiencies as if newly created. Access to any previous class  has standard penalties.


Weapon  Proficiencies:

- You may change 1 weapon proficiency to 2 to non-weapon proficiencies if you wish at the time you gain one or at the creation of your character. You may not change 2 non-weapons to 1 weapon or any other variation.

- Specialist attacks per round are made with both hands on a single weapon except for melee weapons. (Thus no one can wield 2 hand crossbows in a Western Six shooter style! In addition to that nor could you throw 6 or 8 darts per round regardless of any multi handedness or dexterity or ambidexterity.)

-Only melee weapons gain +1/+2 NOT throwing weapons.

-Style Specialization’s is:


Fighter Rogue Priest Wizard
Single Weapon
Two hander
Weapon and Shield
Two weapon Style

All are restricted to classes as per book FHB - CT- S&P

I have added a few New Weapons:



War Mattock    45gp 12#  L/B   spd 8    1d10+1 / 2d6

Great Mace     30 gp 20# L/B   spd 10   1d8+1 / 3d4

Great Flail    80 gp 20# L/B   spd 13   1d12 / 3d6

War Chain      10 gp 6#  M/B   spd 8    1d6 / 1d6+1

Throwing Mace   3 gp 4#  M/B   spd 5    1d6 / 1d3  ROF 2/1 range 1/3/6

-Weapon Specialization and Weapon Mastery (Humans Only at this Time) will be used as in Skills and powers.

-Weapon Groups will not be used.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies:

-Everyone should have General Knowledge skill down of some place was discussed in the Suzail Herald. It is a non-weapon proficiency that is free, and Intelligence base 0.

-Musical Instrument groups will be allowed, as in Bard's Handbook

-Keep track of whom trained you. E.g.-Alertness is different for each of the classes it is given for:

Thief- City like

Humanoid- instinctual

Barbarian- outdoors like

-We will be using Skills for high level characters, e.g. Warrior, must be 10th and can buy "Death Blow" for 2 nwp slots as instructed in High Level Campaign book. p145

-We will be using the saving throw penalties as in HLC book

Level Penalty

Level Penalty
1-12 0
13-15 -1
16-18 -2
19-21 -3

-A PC may Acquire Non-Weapon proficiencies three ways:

1. Intelligence conversion of languages to non-weapon proficiencies.

2. Conversion of weapon proficiencies to non-weapons at the rate of 1:2 only never backs.

3. To buy them buy spending and losing XP’s gained, At the following rate:

1-3 Level  2,000 XP’s
4-6 Level  5,000 XP’s
7-up Level  10,000 XP’s

The rate of gain is 2 per level. Intelligence + level is the maximum tobe gained (this may change see me on case by case) Any Character’s Already in play are excused from this rule.

When I doubt use the hand book. A lot of over lap is here so If you are unsure Just check with me, In all most all cases I will say go by the handbook or TSR Product.


Name Cost Stat Skill Prerequisite
G e n e r a l
Grooming 2 Dex 0
Metal Working 1 Dex 0
Masseuse  1 Dex 0
Accounting  1 Int 0
Architecture  1 Int 0 Engineering
Artistic Abilities
Glassblowing  1 Dex+Wis/2  
Landscaping  1 Int 0
City Knowledge
     (Specific City) 1 Int -2
Boating  1 Wis +1
Bureaucracy  1 Chr 0
Distillation  1 Int 0
Deduction  2 Int -4
Interrogation 1 Chr+Wis/2  
Legal Knowledge 1 Int -3 City Knowledge
Mathematics  1 Int 0
Outdoor Craft  2 Wis -1
Prestidigitation  1 Dex 0 (Same as Street Illusion)
Riding Sea borne 2 Wis  -2
Signaling  Wis  -2
Streetwise  Wis  -4
Teamster  Wis  -1
Winemaking 1 Int  0
W I z a r d
Summonology 1 Int  -2
Alchemy  2 Int  -3  Herbalism
Anatomy 2 Int  -1
Astronomy  2 Int  -1
Botany Int  -1
Geology 2 Int  -1
Oceanography 2 Int  -1
Veterinary  2 Int  -1
Zoology  2 Int  -1
Specific Group of Zoology
     Avians  1 Int  -1
     Mammals  1 Int  -1
     Entomology  Int  -1
     Reptology  1 Int  -1
Librarian  Int  0
Linguistic  2 Int  0  Must have at least 4 Written or Spoken Prof.
Magic Craft  Int  0
Specific Spell 3 Int  -3
P r I e s t
Librarian  Int  0
Linguistic  2 Int  0  Must have at least 4 Written or Spoken Prof.
Alchemy  2 Int  -3  Herbalism
Anatomy  Int  -1
Astronomy 2 Int  -1
Botany  Int  -1
Geology  Int  -1
Oceangraphy 2 Int  -1
Veterinary  2 Int  -1
Zoology  Int  -1
Specific Group of Zoology
     Avians 1  Int  -1
     Mammals  1  Int  -1
     Entomology  1  Int  -1
     Reptology 1  Int  -1
R o u g e
Camouflage  2  Wis  -2
Conning/Fast Talking  2  Chr  0
Locksmith  2  Dex+Int/2
W a r r I o r
Display Weapon  Prowess  1  Dex  0
Strategy/Tactics  Int-2
Camouflage Wis  -2

H a n d b o o k s

Note that some of these have been made into general proficiencies see above. For details check the following books.

B a r d ' s  H a n d b o o k



Craft Instaiment

Crowed Working



B a r b a r i a n  H a n d b o o k


Animal Rending

Armorer Crude



Bower Fletcher

Clothes maker Crude

Danger Sense



Hoard Summoning


Light sleeping


Weapon Improvisation

Weapon Smithing Crude

Wild fighting

D w a r v e ' s  H a n d b o o k



Dwarf runes

Fungi Recognition

Local Dwarf History

Pest control




Sound Analyst

Underground Navigation

H u m a n o i d s  H a n d b o o k


Cheese making

Close Quarter Fighting

Crowed Working

Danger Sense


Fast Talking


Natural Fighting

Wild Fighting

Wine making

P s i o n i c H a n d b o o k

Harness Subconscious



Med Focus

R a n g e r s  H a n d b o o k





Distance Sense




Ride Sea Based



Trail Making

Trail Signs

Veterinary Healing

Weapon Smith Crude

T h e i v e s H a n d b o o k


Animal Noise




Fast Talking/Conning

Fortune Telling



Information Gathering










Voice Mimicry

S p e l l s & M a g I c

M a g e





Candle Making


Glass Blowing


Mental resistance

Omen Reading



Sage Knowledge


Tactics of Magic


P r e I s t






Candle Making





Omen Reading




Sage Knowledge


Undead Lore/Necrology

O t h e r  TSR  P r o d u c t s

A l - Q u a I d e m





Display Weapon Prowess

Genie Lore



Metal working

Ride Horse Specialization

Ride Camel Specialization

PIrates Of The Sea Of Fallen Stars


-Appraising is to the nearest 100

-Bower/Fletcher -Strength bow option is used- Bower decides what minimum strength is and it must at least be 17 that’s where bonuses begin

-Healing only 1 attempt on a character a day

1 hp  under care
2 hp  complete rest
3 hp  complete rest  (care giver has both healing and herbalist)

-Jumping by non proficient person, 1d6+1/2 level (House Rule)

-Tracking -Non rangers have a -6 penalty add this in when the proficiency is purchased

-Weapon Smithing-cost 2 (for our game/House Rule) Darts are 2 a day and cost 2sp each

Weapon Clarifications

-We are using a critical hit chart with no instant death criticals

-Multiple firing of an arrow is allowed (as in Elven HB)

1st  no penalty
2nd  -2 penalty
3rd  -4
4th  -8
5th  -16

No more than 5 arrows can be shot per round even if speeded.

Fire trap Arrows

Firetrap arrows may be fired at a rate of one per round normally with nopenalty.

Chance of detonating while being shot

1st  no penalty  0
2nd  -2 penalty  25%
3rd  -4  50%
4th  -8  75%
5th  -16  100%

First roll to hit

Second save vs. crushing blow to see if box mechanism opens causing fire trap to detonate

Third if firetrap goes off make a save for arrow/mechanism vs. magical fire to see if it is consumed and destroyed.

*Note that the damage do by the arrow whether it is sheaf or flight isonly 1d4.

C r o s s b o w s

Crossbow damage is as follows:

Hand 1d3 if a roll of 3 comes up roll again. This step should be repeatedonly if a 3-4 comes up and only for up to 4 times.

Light 1d4 if a roll of 3-4 comes up roll again. This step should be repeated only if a 3-4 comes up and only for up to 4 times

Heavy 1d6 if a roll of 4-6 comes up roll again. This step should be repeated only if a 4-6 comes up and only for up to 10 times.

-Pole Arms Damage if a two handed weapon is double the dice in the book.

If a pole armed person wins initiative and they score a hit their opponent is keep a bay for one round.

- You may only fight as many rounds as you have Constitution. If you fight beyond your Con. apply similar Jogging rules. (Whether a Warrior, Rogue or Mage or Priest; If you enter physical combat you may only fight  for your constitution in rounds.) See CT.

-Pole Arms do twice the dice damage and double the damage on the dice, on a charge

-Missile fire into melee combat is S=1/2, M=1, L=2, H=4, and G=6

S h e I l d s

- Only helps vs. Multiple flanks

E n c u m b r a n c e

-NO MORE ENCUMBRANCE, Use the weight of an object verses your weight allowance. Then compute the amount carried to determine your movement. If you have any normal mundane items they weigh the same as their non-magical counter parts.

Magical armor is 1/2 the normal weight

Magic weapons are 1/4 the normal weight

- Food and water consumption will be as follows per day:

3lbs for Standard

1lbs for Iron

10lbs for Grain (Horse or Similar)

-For each battle or environment change adds 1qt to that days ration.

2qts for a normal days ration*

*If you do not drink this amount in time you will take penalties as the DM sees fit.

-If unusual Items are carried the Dm will set penalties for prolonged exertion.

M a g I c

-Gloves and Mages- in the PHB it states that mages...cannot wear anyarmor. Firstly, most spells require complicated gestures and odd posturing by the caster... Spells gather and shape mystical energies;the procedures involved are very demanding, bizarre, and intricate. Based on this wizards, cannot cast spells and wear gloves of leather, chain or plate mail. Bigby's "Hand" spells are an exception the caster of these spell must use a glove as a material component to the spell.

This glove is handled in the casting until the very end when the final commanding gesture is made buy slipping the glove on and clinching a fist or what ever the spell requires.

-All chance to learn is rolled in front of DM.

-Must declare in declaration Phase or let Dm Know exact spell that will be cast.

-Illusions is only as good as the spell range and criteria and as well real as you describe in those criteria

-Devices casting levels:






-Spell casters may move up to but not exceeding 10 ft and cast a spell.

-Spell subtlety -Hiding one's ability to cast spells will be an observation roll with modifiers. Spells and Magic Page 118

- Spell Knock back is if the number is higher than the victims knock back number he must roll a save vs. death magic or fall down. The spells that cause Knockdown are on page 123 of the spells and Magic book.




-Material components for Mage and Priest that are of a 1 GPV must be subtracted buy the caster. Any component that's cost is less than 1 gpv can not be hoarded and an unlimited supply be had, with out justification, Ask the DM if you are not sure.

-Spells will get a chance for critical miss and failure with a roll of a d20 as in melee combat, we will used a amended Spells & Magic list.

-Spell subtlety as in Spells and Magic is in use.

-Spell attacks vs. Armor-breaching / armor observing will be used. (See SM chart).

-Book cost:

Spells Level

Standard 24 1-3

16 4-6

8 7-9


Cost:1000gpv +100 gpv per spell level contained there in

Traveling 6 1-3

4 4-6

2 7-9


Cost:500gpv +100 gpv per spell level contained there in

C o m b a t

-A Combat Round is 10-15 seconds long and a Non combat round is 60 seconds long so there are 5 Combat rds to a round. CT 10

-Clear & threatened rule will be used As long as no enemy is in the threatening space of an enemy figure, he is clear; characters choice of combat action is unrestricted. A character who is Clear may make a free

facing change only once per round, a Threatened character may only make 1 facing change per combat round. Threatened characters can choose to ignore the threatening creature and take any combat action they wish,

but if they do, the threatening creature gains immediate attack of opportunity CT 12

-Grappled creatures must get free before they can move

-Grappling characters may only use a size s weapon while grappling

-Attacks of opportunity can not be made with missile weapons. The threatning creature may take one attack of opportunity against a single opponent in the coarse of a combat round. The limit of how many free attacks an attacker can have on multiple fleeing opponents is:

Warrior and Monsters- 3plus 1 per 5 levels

All Others-1plus 1 per 5 levels

-Surpassed characters and monsters can not make attacks of opportunity

-Missile weapon range modifiers:

-5 long

-2 med

0 short

-We are using the Parry rule out of the book. That is warriors get 1/2 their level plus 1 to their AC. Other classes get 1/2 their level to their AC.

-Combat rounds are 10- 15 seconds long, and actions breakdown as

follows: (CT.20)

No movement - Full attack, Spell use, Etc.

Half Movement - An Attack, Charge, Half Missile Fire, Etc.

Full Movement - Charge, Run, Sprint, and Normal Move.

You may choose to move then do an action or do an action then move, as you choose.

-Overbearing rules as per Combat & Tactics pg. 44 Same as per PHB, except if a successful attack is made a str. Check is rolled to see if the defender is drug down or not.

-Any weapon wielded by a nonprof. Character is considered one init.

Slower. (CT.73)

-Subdual attacks are at -4 to hit and at half damage (must be declared

as a pre-init. Action).

-All Arrow, Darts and Daggers are glancing blows unless a critical is rolled and other wise changes this.

-Called Shots are -4 penalty to attack and +1 to Initiative

-Remember those BLUGEONING weapons can not do subdual damage ever!

-In Non lethal attacks the defender can strike with a +4 to hit, and a weapon attack comes before an unharmed attack is made, regardless of roll.

- If a head is the target of a called shot, as the book states it is a -8 penalty with any other penalties per the DM. Helmets will be used and make it harder to hit. Helmets also cause impaired hearing and vision.

Vision Hearing Weight AC

Cap 0 - 5% 2 7

Coif 0 - 5% 2 5

Openfaced -1 -10% 5 3

Closed face -2 -15% 5 2

Great Helm -3 -20% 10 1

M o v e m e n t

-To figure you movement take base score 6 or 12 and add the hit probability from your Strength and add to base rate then add reaction adjustment to that number this is you total movement

-You may move 1/2 your total move and still receive A melee attack

-You may move 1/2 your total move and still receive A missile attack

-Firing from Horse Back get =1 bonus to hit creatures smaller than his mount -DMG 105

those on foot have a -1 penalty to hit a mounted rider -Person can JOG as many rds as his Constitution and then must make a con check to continue. When it is failed jogger must rest as many rds as he


-Charging add a penalty of -2 on initiative and receive no dexterity on armor class adjustment and take a penalty of -1 to AC, move an additional 50% of movement and make attack at the end of movement (still

add weapon speed it does not neutralize its speed)

-Retreat: Withdrawal 1/3 movement, a second person may cover a retreat so that they can get out of threatening range

Fleeing -turn & run full move

-A person may snatch and grab a thing in plain view and is unencumbered and that is 1 size category smaller at least and forsaking all other actions for that round except movement- can grab it and run

O t h e r

-Steps of A Combat Round

1 NPC Actions determined

2 Player Characters Action Declared

3 Initiative

4 Resolution Phase/ Person can change action but new action must wait till beginning of phase 5

5End of round - Change actions, Fatigue, retreats, morale, and status

-Healing is guaranteed as successful if that's all you do that round, however I If the injured person wishes to perform any action other than receiving healing the caster must roll a armor breaching to hit and if

he misses the healing spell is wasted

-Spells unless damaging or one with a visual effect you can’t feel the

spells affect

-A roll of Surprise is a roll of 1, 2, 3

-You may heal as is stated in PHB with a herbalist & healing prof person tending you and receive 3 hp’s a day and after 1 full week you gain any constitution bonus

- Sub classes in Faiths and Avatars will be used.

- Infravision gives no penalty in regular darkness. The DM may use theatrical descriptions that very based on the adventure.

- We are using a new roll called Observation it is Int + Wis /2= Total you should have this written down for easy access.

-A spell caster is aware if his spell(s)could be in effect on himself.

Area effect and spells on other people he is not aware if they are effecting them unless there is a visual effect.

- Petrifaction appears to effect things two different ways.

A. As the spell "Flesh to Stone".... I.e. Cocktrice touch.

B.Turning the subject into a stone statue, their flesh as well as the objects they carry.....i.e. Medusa gaze

In either case the victim must roll a SSS % it shows such that the victim may die being changed to stone or being changed back, yes the possible loss of 2 con points, and death twice.

-Invisibility... Illusion /Phantasm school. Gives no reflection in a mirror or cast a shadow. The only exception to this is if an individual is high in intelligence, in hit die and has made a save. This individual

would see a reflection of the invisible opponent in a mirror, and see a shadow if ample light was present. This spell does not conceal odors.

- Magic Resistance effects the body not anything worn on a person. It gives off no glow, no 2" radiant field, nothing. What happens when a Anti-Magic Field or Ray strike a individuals with MR? First lets say they are drow and have levitate on themselves (a typical innate ability) weather innate or cast spell doesn't matter. The drow is floating in mid air when the ray of a beholder hits. (1) Determine buy MR % roll if the individual makes it. If the save is made they remain floating until the next round when they roll again vs. the beholders anti-magic eye (which perpetually shoots the ray unless the eye is destroyed or the eye is closed. (2) If the MR % is failed the magic is removed and the individual falls. *Special Note: if the individual was levitating due to a ring, when they were struck buy the ray the magic would have been lost immediately until they left the anti-magic area, MR never would have entered the picture.

- Levitate allows upward and downward motion only. If someone were to jump and activate a ring of levitation they would not jump or glide farther they would become motionless at the point in their jump that the ring was activated.

-Saving throws are made for the person not Items they have their own saving throw chart. It is up to the DM whether for expediency or other reasons to deny any further rolls for items or not. If you make your save and the DM allows you not to save for your items consider yourself lucky.

-Weapon Specialization is for Fighters ONLY! Are multi and dual classes allowed? Multi class are not, because they are more than 1 class even if 1 of them is fighter. Duel class are allowed because they have abandoned their old class.

-Wraithform spell works as the book says, "You cannot attack the material world". The same as rules for the boarder Ethereal are (imagine that! Your on the border Ethereal when you go wraithform). Teleporting

in this fashion is not possible; you cannot study empty space (i.e. the boarder ethereal plane). A "Teleport No Error" spell will work this way.

-Use of any poison is an evil action

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